By Fitsum Tilahun

90 days since this young, ,brilliant and concerned exemplary youth detained, for no reason .....ፍትሕ ኢትዮጵያዊ ውስጥ እሪ ብላ ትጮኃለች። እኝህ የሰላም እና የሚዛናዊነት አርበኞች ፣ ስለ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ትግሉ ብቻ ሳይሆን በብዙ መልኩ እራሴን መለስ ብዬ እንዳይ ያረጉኝ ፈርጦች ነበሩ። ብዙ እናንተን መቼ ባየሁ ስል ትንሿን ብርሀናችንን አዳፈኗት ፣ ግን አልጠፋንም ፣ ይህ ያበረታናል!
Zola made me check everything I post coz ..u always come up with research, well read ..and always made me feel that lazy student in the back of the room much i wish to see you out here ....among all this hatred field political,Historical .....discussion we were the sound of reason ....I missed you.
Nati ....passionate, loving guy .....deeply informed.....always love his commments on the Economy ...and never shy away from his believes proud of you ....and seeing u smile under the cuff ...U R MY HERO...and for some reason i feel like u really are my brother ....stay safe ..and I can't wait for you to meet your love.....
You all have made me more strong.
You have started a big motion already ...what you have started is bigger than us all now.
It's bound to change.

NB.sorry Emmy I didn't make it under 90 words.

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